Monday, September 13, 2010


Moving in stops and starts through Port au Prince and into Carrefore. Commerce goes on amongst debris of crumbled buildings and refuse piles used as a curb. Tent cities are in alleyways and once courtyards. The resilience of the Haitian people is truly impressive and frightening. We see tent homes constructed in the median of roads with traffic running in opposite directions beside children helping mothers market their goods and produce. Open sewers and drainage culverts serve the water needs of roadside shops that sit under tattered umbrellas and anticipate afternoon rains and fear a hurricane. There is little to indicate why some buildings stood and others fell in the 45 seconds of the quake.

We are bumper to bumper for another half hour or so. Bernard's huge truck attracts a lot of stares and envious looks as we inch along
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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