Monday, September 13, 2010

Arrival in Haiti

Ed and I have arrived in Port au Prince Haiti to a warm welcome from Food for the Poor. In arriving we witnessed once vacant land around the airport filled with tent cities. Mostly they are large family tents reinforced with tarps for the rains. Sanitation is mostly absent. The streets around the airport are clear as it is the main thoroughfare but the side streets are filled with debris as there is no clearing of private lots. Much of the population is without work, many that had work are now without since the factories near the airport have been destroyed or have relocated.

FFP reports that our wells are operational in Port au Prince and to the north in Gonaives and further in Port de Paix and Cap Haitien. There are long lines in the morning and evening. The girls fill the buckets before school and later in the evenings as the mid-day is extraordinally hot.

We leave shortly for our destination. We will need to cross four rivers in route. Leading us will be Delane Bailey, Clement Belizaire, Bernard Chauvet and Paul Kane. Along the way we will visit some of our well projects and learn about a water filtration system that is being provided by Water Missions out of Charlotte NC. They cost 15,500 but filter 10,000 gallons per day and are solar powered. They are the system of choice in quake damaged areas. FFP has 10 of them so far.

We will post pictures as soon as we are on the road.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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