Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Water Reservoir Project Gran Boulage

Here is the project we are down her to start. It is a 25,000 gallon reservoir at the top of a mountain - 2000 foot elevation. It will be fed by a stream far in a valley below. Photos are posted below. Down at the stream level, a 20,000 gallon reservoir will be built. Three pumping stations will send it up the hill to the 25,000 gallon reservoir at the top.It in turn will push the water to kiosks below, ultimately distributing the water through out the region. The cost of the project is between $130,000 and $150,000 . We have funded just over $25,000 at this time. Estimated number of people served, 15,000 to 30,000. An astounding number of woman and child hours per day, per week, per month and per year will be saved. The physical health of those who carry 5 gallon water buckets on their heads uphill (40 lbs) will be preserved. There will be fewer cervical compression fractures. Fewer falls and injuries on the perilous path down to the ravine. Children will spend many hours more per week in school. Women can turn their time to more productive work. Everyone gets clean water. Everyone is healthier. Kids get sick less. People live longer and Kids get a better chance to grow up. And because they can spend more time in school and less time tearing their feet up on a trail down to a stream polluted by animal excrement, they grow up smarter. Everybody wins. If you contribute to this effort, you win too because you have made the world you live in a much better place.

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