Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Our evening has ended with the gracious hospitality of Bernard and his wife Sabrina. After winding our way through the nighttime traffic of Port au Prince - a traffic so intense with smoke from small cooking fires, dust from the road and building debris, people moving in and out of congested traffic stacked four cars wide on a two lane road, that a cooler was able to be stolen from the bed of our truck without us even knowing - we arrived in Petionville at the house that Sabrina's grandfather built. Once there, we were fortunate to be some of the select few to enjoy Sabrina's culinary skill and one Bernard's recent catches - an example of why he has been so instrumental in the success of FFP's fishing villages. With a view of Port au Prince and places as far away as the DR, their home offered Delane, Ed, Paul and I a perfect opportunity to reflect on what it is that Haiti needs, the amazing things that FFP is doing and what we can do to help by providing something as basic as clean water.

Our trip is scheduled to end tomorrow but the work to help Haiti's poor will obviously continue. We plan to be part of that work and hope others are encouraged to join us in an endeavor that is truly making a difference and changing this small part of the world.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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