Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Haiti Water Project

One third of the children in Haiti will never make it to age five. In Haiti, most people do not have taps, water fountains or access to clean bottled water. The filthy, parasite ridden water they drink is slowly killing them, and for the small and frail, it kills them sooner rather than later. That is why we am so passionate about this project. Go to the link in this Cause. Today you can save a life in a place where every day is a desperate struggle. Look at the photos, watch the video.

Then, if you would, do one more thing. Pay it forward. Even if you don’t have the money to contribute, forward this email or just the link to your friends. Tell them that their charitable dollars will have an immediate and tangible impact on Haitian water relief. And here is the impact: For every dollar spent, at least one more Haitian has clean water.

When we visit Haiti, and come upon a new well that this effort has funded people often throw street parties. In these areas, they use freshly picked flowers to form hearts or other designs in the dirt in front of the wells - their way of saying not just thanks, but “we love you for what you are doing.” Communities gather and form at these sites. Small trade occurs. Clothes are washed, children are bathed. This is tangible. This is real. This changes lives – permanently.

These wells survive hurricanes, flooding and other natural disasters (and there are many in Haiti). We have checked o them after these events. They are still pumping and saving lives during disasterous times. Ask them to help, and ask them to pay it forward to others. Together we can raise people out of poverty, sickness and despair in Haiti. Go to now and make an immediate difference. It will take about the same amount of time to do this as it would to take to have a long cool drink of water. And what a difference it will make.